nuffnang adv

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Jawatan kosong di MPOB- Pegawai Penyelidik

Jawatan kosong di Malaysia Palm Oil Board atau MPOB boleh di mohon melalui laman wb

Permohonan hanya secara ONLINE sahaja


Gred:     Q41 - Q53

Gaji permulaan:  RM2146 hingga RM11,968

Kelulusan Minima: Ijazah atau setaraf

Tarikh tutup: 5 Januari 2015

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Karnival ‘Jom Cari Kerja’ Tawar 2,500 Jawatan Kosong

jawatan kosong2

Sebanyak 2,500 jawatan kosong ditawarkan sempena Karnival ‘Jom Cari Kerja’ di Stadium Tertutup, Kompleks Sukan Negeri Gong Badak 20 Disember ini.
Karnival yang memberi peluang kepada orang ramai mendapatkan pekerjaan melibatkan kira-kira 40 majikan daripada pelbagai bidang dan syarikat seluruh negara itu, anjuran bersama Pusat JobMalaysia (JMC) Terengganu dan Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Terengganu.
Pengurus JMC Terengganu, Rosli Zakaria dalam laporan Bernama berkata karnival yang bermula 9 pagi hingga 9 malam itu, bukan sahaja dibuka kepada golongan mencari kerja, tetapi kepada mereka yang sudah mempunyai pekerjaan untuk meningkatkan kerjaya.
“Kita sasarkan kira-kira 2,500 kekosongan jawatan ditawarkan dan kita menjangkakan lebih 7,000 individu akan hadir ke karnival itu. Mereka yang datang perlu berpakaian kemas serta membawa bersama resume serta dokumen berkaitan,” katanya semalam.
Beliau berkata karnival tersebut bukan sahaja menawarkan peluang kerjaya, malah orang ramai boleh mendapatkan khidmat nasihat dan kaunseling mengenai kerjaya.
Antara majikan yang dijangka hadir ialah Perhentian Island Resorts Sdn Bhd, Grolier (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Gambang Resorts City, TTI Management Sdn Bhd, Nankai Nikkei Sdn Bhd serta Pertima Terengganu Sdn Bhd manakala untuk agensi pula, antaranya Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (Perkeso) dan Institut Latihan Perindustrian (ILP).
teganu kita

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Menjadi Seorang PEMBERI

Saya amat tertarik dengan buku MUKMIN PROFESIONAL karangan Ustaz Fahrol Mohd Juoi yang antaranya.. di antara karakter untuk menjadi MUKMIN yang Profesional adalah jadilah seorang PEMBERI.

Sungguh dalam sekali maksudnya. Mula-mula kita dibawa mengenali sifat Allah swt iaitu AL WAHHAB.. yang bermaksud YANG AMAT MEMBERI.. Allah sentiasa memberi nikmat dan rahmat tanpa syarat... samada kita kufur atau kita syukur.. IA tetap MEMBERI..

JUnjungan kita Muhammad SAW adalah seorang yang PEMBERI.. yang rela berkorban nyawa dan raga demi memberi hidayat dan petunjuk kepada ummat  manusia agar mendapat keredhaan ALLAH swt. Baginda sentiasa MEMBERI contoh yang baik untuk diikuti, malah harta Baginda sentiasa diberi kepada yang memerlukan. Sungguh hebat sekali akhlak baginda.

Demikian juga para sahabat baginda r.a serta para tabi' dan tabiin semuanya adalah seorang pemurah yang sentiasa membuat kebajikan, mengorbankan diri demi kebahagian orang lain. Sebagai contoh imam yang masyur Hanbali, Maliki, Hanafi dan Syafei yang mengorbankan hidup untuk menterjemahkan ilmu syariat Islam untuk petunjuk dan pencerahan ilmu umat akhir zaman di mana, hingga sekarang belum ada lagi manusia abad ini yang dapat menandingi kehebatan ilmu yang ditinggalkan. Sungguh hebat sifat PEMBERI mereka.

Bagaimana dengan kita , apa yang mampu kita BERI? Ilmu? harta?
Jika kita ada harta.. berilah atau sedeqahkan walau sedikit... jika ada ilmu sampaikan.. samada menulis atau berkongsi melalui laman sosial, sms, facebook, whatsapp atau sebarang media.. moga ia menjadi jariah kepada kita.
Paling tidak pun, jadilah pentazkirah di tempat kerja kita walaupun sekadar renungan ringkas.


Dengan sifat memberi ini, ia adalah pembuka untuk kita MENERIMA rezeki dari Allah swt. Percayalah, lagi banyak kita memberi, lagi banyak kita akan menerima...

Makin kita menjadi kedekut dan rasa sayang, ia akan menyempitkan rezeki kita..

Jom jadi PEMBERI...

Vacancy at YOU WINGS, Ipoh, Perak

5 Best Ways to Pay Off Your Credit Card Debts

Credit card – being one of the main contributors to increase household debt among Malaysians have become an obvious debt trap. Many are struggling to escape their credit card debt and have mostly failed to come out of it being debt-free soonest possible.
As we seek for the best advice to help us reducing our debts, we tend to get overwhelmed by the amount of information accessible to us. There are many tips and advice on ways to clear off debts from personal finance blogs you’re reading to those given by your friends or family members. This load of information might lead to confusion and you’ll end up not getting the much needed advise you’ve been searching for.
However, we believe that if you’re following the right advice and are willing to make major changes to your financial situation, being debt-free is a possibility worth striving for. Check out our five best ways to paying off your credit card debts and learn how you could apply them on to your monthly financial arrangements.
Cut down your multiple credit cards to one – If you have more than one credit card, it’s time to thrash away the rest and stick to only one. Knowing that you don’t have as many credit card as you initially do will decrease your dependence on the other cards hence stopping you from spending more than you should each month.
Pay more than the minimum – If you have the habit of paying only the minimum required each month, you’re not going to make any progress at clearing off your credit card debt anytime soon. With the usual minimum rate being around 2% to 3% of the outstanding balance, minimum payment commitment will only prolongs your struggle. Always remember, this is the thing the banks want you to do – taking longer time to repay the charges hence allowing them to make more money on higher interest. You’re basically at the losing end if you keep on paying the minimum. There’s definitely no better time than now to start strategising, even that requires some major sacrifices on your monthly financial plan to meet this needs.
Do a balance transfer – If you begin to rack up debt on a high-interest credit card, transferring the outstanding balance to another card with a lower interest rate through the process called balance transfer could be one of the wisest things to do. Balance transfers could help you pay less as many banks or credit card issuers offer a 0% period on balance transfer that could save you a lot of money on interest alone. It’s one way to clear existing debts and allow you to organise your finances by combining all of your outstanding balances into one.
Use the Snowball Method – The debt-snowball method popularised by financial advisor Dave Ramsey suggests paying off credit cards in order of lowest balance to highest balance, regardless of interest rate. This method allows you to pay off small credit cards quickly, giving you that much-needed motivational boost that will fuel the rest of your debt payoff plan.
Use your savings – Say your debt is already overwhelming and it seems impossible to fork out your monthly earning to clear the debt off, you might want to look at the option of using your savings for debt reduction. We are not suggesting for you to make use of your entire savings and leave it completely dry but instead we highly recommend having at least RM 1,000 of emergency fund out of the savings that you could utilise.
CompareHero is the leading Malaysian financial comparison platform, aimed at helping Malaysians save time and money. Visit CompareHero here.

8 Tips for People Who Will Retire in 2015

Retirement is a major life transition that requires changes to your income and lifestyle. Here are the final preparations you should be making if you plan to retire in 2015.
Decide when to sign up for Social Security. When you sign up for Social Security drastically affects how much you will receive each month. Most baby boomers are eligible to receive full benefits at age 66. If you sign up before age 66, your monthly payments are reduced, and if you delay claiming up until age 70, your payments increase. "You want to consider the penalty for taking it early and the benefit of delaying it beyond full retirement age," says Christopher Rhim, a certified financial planner for Green View Advisors in Norwich, Vermont. Members of married couples may also be able to claim spousal and survivor's payments and strategize ways to maximize their benefit as a couple. You can get a personalized estimate of your benefit by creating an online account at
Take care to sign up for Medicare on time. It's important tosign up for Medicare as soon as you are eligible to do so. "You should start submitting the paperwork for Medicare up to three months before age 65," Rhim says. "It's not something you want to wait and delay on because there are some financial penalties if you sign up later." Also, take a look at Medicare's premiums, deductibles, copays and coinsurance so you can get an idea of how much you will need to pay out of pocket. If you retire before age 65, you will need to find another source of health insurance until you qualify for Medicare, perhaps through your state's health insurance exchange or your former employer.
Assess your workplace retirement benefits. Make an appointment with your human resources department to determine which workplace retirement benefits will carry over into retirement. Some fortunate employees get traditional pension payments and retiree health insurance after leaving their jobs. You should also check when you vest in your 401(k) plan and get to keep your employer's contributions.
Consider rolling over your 401(k). When you leave your job, you have the option to roll your 401(k) balance over to an individual retirement account. To decide if this is a good move, you need to compare the fees and investment options in the 401(k) plan with those in an IRA. "If they do roll it all over into an IRA, they get certain benefits from it," says Laura Mattia, a certified financial planner for Baron Financial Group in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. "A lot of times when you consolidate, you can take advantage of price breaks and lower fees." However, if you leave your job at age 55 or older (or age 50 for public safety employees) and plan to dip into your 401(k) balance immediately, you may want to leave the money you will need in the 401(k) plan. You can take penalty-free 401(k) withdrawals from the 401(k) associated with the job you left at age 55 or later, but if you move the money to an IRA, you will have to wait until age 59½ to avoid the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty.
Make a long-term investment plan. Investors obviously want to keep their nest egg safe, but you also need to make sure that it lasts the rest of your life and keeps up with rising costs. "You really don't want to get too conservative because your portfolio has to overcome inflation and management fees and trading costs," Rhim says. "If you are looking at 20 to 25 years of retirement, that is a long-term planning horizon and you need a competitive return. That really is a call for stocks. You simply can't get that type of return with bonds and cash." You also need to develop a plan for how you will spend down your assets in a way that minimizes taxes and penalties. "You should list all your financial assets, where they are and identify what the strategy is behind them," Mattia says. "You want to make sure you are reacting according to your strategy and not making decisions emotionally."
Remember required minimum distributions. Beginning after age 70½, you will typically be required to withdraw money from your traditional retirement accounts every year and pay income tax on each distribution. The penalty for failing to withdraw the correct amount is 50 percent of the amount that should have been withdrawn.
Develop a plan for emergencies. Covering your basic monthly costs in retirement isn't enough. You'll continue to need an emergency fund in retirement to cover unexpected bills. "I always tell people to keep between six months to a year's worth of expenses in a liquid interest-bearing account that you can get to whenever you want," Mattia says. "Having some cash out at all times also gives you flexibility, so if investments are not going in the right direction, you can leave them alone for a while to get back on the right track."
Decide how you will send your time. What you decide to do in retirement will have a big impact on your costs and quality of life. "Certainly you will spend less on gas and don't have to spend as much on work clothes, but some people are also going to spend more money now because they have the time and don't just want to sit around the house," says Craig Schmith, a certified financial planner in Durham, North Carolina. "If you've got pent-up demand to travel, especially internationally, and you haven't had time to do that, you need to think about budgeting that in." 
By Emily Brandon | U.S.News & World Report LP

Monday, 17 November 2014

Mind Reading Techniques: Telepathy Made Simple

mind reading techniques
Have you ever wished to understand the thoughts circulating inside the brains of your peers before they’ve had the chance to speak them? To be able to read the minds of strangers and friends alike? This feat is nearly impossible to accomplish; however, despite this fact, magicians have been convincing spectators of their telepathic abilities for centuries.
The art of mind reading, commonly referred to as mentalism, has been astonishing audiences since its development in the second half of the sixteenth century. The goal of those who employ this trick is to convince those around them that they can perform incredible acts, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, divination, precognition, psychokinesis, hypnosis and mind control. With the help of a keen eye, they have been able to do so and you can too!
For more information on the methods of mind reading, take a look at this course on professional mind reading tricks!
Now onto the techniques:

Cold Reading

Cold reading refers to the techniques used by a mentalist to convince an audience member that his or her thoughts are being read. By analyzing the subject’s appearance, body language, personal style, and manner of speaking, the readers are able to decipher much hidden information about the person. Several techniques used include:
  • Staging

Playing the part of the mind reader is one of the most essential aspects of the trick. It may seem obvious, but in order to convince your audience that you can read their minds, you must act as though you can read their minds. Using phrases such as, “I need a moment to feel the spiritual connection” and employing that time to assess the body language of your audience can improve your credibility and allow easier access to the information your spectators are subtly revealing.
  • Fishing

Fishing is a technique used by mentalists to draw clues from their audience members through the use of ambiguous phrases, such as, “I’m seeing the letter M”, which may cause the spectator to mention a family member or friend who recently passed away whose first name started with the letter “M”.
  • Forer Effect

The Forer Effect is a technique reserved mainly for online forms of mentalism and is also heavily used in the field of astrology. Also referred to as the “Barnum Effect” in psychology, the effect consists of a series of statements in paragraph form that could apply to pretty much anyone who reads them. Examples include such statements as, “You tend to be critical of yourself” or “You enjoy seeing the product of your work”.

Hot Reading

Hot reading, a technique very similar in form to cold reading, involves reading an audience member with prior knowledge about the spectator, through overheard conversations or doing research. The key to succeeding in hot reading is to avoid being caught observing or eavesdropping on the participant. It’s also advised to observe or research multiple participants in case the first is unavailable when the time comes to perform the trick. A subset of this form of mind reading is warm reading, which also uses the Forer Effect to assess a subject whom the mentalist knows something about prior to the performance.

Careful Observation 

Careful observation requires the mind reader to watchfully assess visual cues audience members are giving off through their body language. A few easy give-away visual clues include:
  • Eye Dilation

When people are exposed to information relevant to their own lives, their pupils often dilate without their knowledge. If you are performing for a small crowd, pay attention to which participants have lighter colored eyes, since the dilation will be easier to detect, and watch them carefully to see which topic triggers this involuntary response.
  • Twitches

Functioning similarly to eye dilation, the occasional unintentional twitch made by an audience member often symbolizes much more than an uncomfortable seating position. A twitch can mean that the spectator is relating the clue to his or her own life and should be looked upon as a potential volunteer for the mind reader’s next trick.
  • Body Language

Paying attention to how the audience members are positioned is the most important aspect of mind reading, simply because it reveals a vast amount of hidden information about the individual. For example, a spectator who is sitting up straight would make a much better participant than one with his or her arms crossed because the position of an individual’s arms signifies their level of interest in the subject.
The best way to grasp the essentials of this technique is to practice it in your daily life, inspecting friends and family members alike to gauge their interest level through body language, twitches, and eye dilation. After you’ve spent time just observing the visual cues they seem to give off, try to manipulate the conversation in a way that causes the visual cues to be exposed through the topics you bring up. It’s best not to inform the others of your intention until after you’ve grasped the basics, as knowing what you are doing may cause them to change their behavior.
To learn more on the meaning behind the involuntary gestures that audience members give off, take a look at this awesome course on the secrets of body language.

Things to Keep in Mind

In order to perform these techniques with accuracy and credibility, there are a few items that you should keep in mind:
  • Select an Appropriate Subject

A spectator who looks incredibly skeptical and suspicious of your techniques is not going to make the best subject, so be sure to scan your audience for a particular type of person. The people that often make the best subjects are those who are smiling and genuinely laughing at your jokes. Be sure to choose someone who appears to be sociable and desires to interact with you and the other audience members.
  • Make the Subject Comfortable

A common method of creating comfort in subjects is through the use of mirroring. Mirroring is when you mimic the position of the subject’s body to attempt to develop a connection between yourself and the other person. This often involuntarily happens in conversations between close friends, so manipulating this technique to establish rapport will be subtle enough to attain the participant’s trust.
  • Be Aware of Other Causes of Visual Cues

Visual cues, such as the aforementioned arm-crossing example, may not always represent the mental processes and may instead be attributed to external factors, so be sure to look around the area in which you’ll be performing to see what may trigger responses. For example, the cross-armed person may be seated in a drafty room and covering up their arms because they’re cold and not necessarily because of their interest level.
Visual cues are difficult to assess, but the process can be made easier by learning the meaning behind them through online resources, such as this course on body language for entrepreneurs!
Mentalism is a fascinating and amusing technique that is fun for the audience members and the mind reader alike. Through the use of cold reading, hot reading, and careful observation, you can perform a wide variety of tricks, such as those featured in this post on mind reading tricks. Also, if your interest in mind reading techniques has sparked a curiosity for other magic tricks as well, take a look at this course on learning the best simple magic tricks! Now, equipped with the knowledge gained from this article, you’re ready to step on stage and blow the minds of audiences everywhere!

Ten Steps To Master Telepathy - Mind To Mind Communication

by Abhishek Agarwal

The word "Telepathy" has been derived from the words "Tele" meaning "Distance" and "Pathy" meaning "Feeling". So Telepathy actually means getting feelings through a distance. To elaborate, Telepathy is the communication between two minds, separated over a distance, without the use of the five known senses.

At some point or the other, we all have experienced Telepathy. Maybe you were thinking of someone you haven't talked to in months and you suddenly get a call from him. Or when two people are together, they might say the same thing at the same time. These are spontaneous mind-to-mind communication. Such Telepathy that tends to occur frequently between closely related individuals.

In this article we will go through the steps required to practice voluntary Telepathy. Here are the steps:

1. Sender And Receiver : We will need two people. One will be the Sender, who will attempt to transmit thoughts; the other will be the Receiver, who will attempt to receive the thoughts transmitted by the Sender. Prior to the experiment, decide clearly if you are going to be the Sender or the Receiver. If you don't, you both might end up being Receivers or Senders! Avoid that confusion.

For this article, we will assume that you are the Sender.

2. Belief : First of all, it is very important that the Sender and the Receiver both believe that Telepathy is possible. Even if the belief is not 100%, an open-minded attitude is a must. In fact, it is best if the participants not only believe in Telepathy, but also actually deeply desire it to occur. If you are a skeptic, and if the doors of your mind are closed, you will get very poor results.

3. Physical Relaxation : Telepathy is most effective when the Sender and the Receiver are both totally relaxed physically. Also, being in positive health makes you concentrate better. Try not to practice when you are unwell.

Relax yourself using any relaxation method you find best. You can either breathe deeply a couple of times, or use the progressive relaxation method.

4. Mental Relaxation : Clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Make your mind tranquil. Let thoughts come and go, but don't get attached to them. Focus on your purpose. Since you are the Sender, your focus will be to send your thoughts across. Your partner, the Receiver should focus his mind to be receptive to your thoughts.

Make sure that both of you do not have any distractions around. A disturbed environment will be detrimental to your progress. A calm and quiet environment will give maximum results

5. Visualization : Before beginning the transmission, it is important that the previous steps are well followed. They will set up the foundation for your success.

With your eyes shut, visualize a very clear picture of the Receiver. Imagine that he is a few feet away from you. Visualize him in full color. Feel that he is actually there. If you want, you can even look at a colored picture of him before the experiment. This will help you visualize him properly.

Now imagine a silver tube connecting your mind and his mind. This tube is the channel through which your thoughts would be communicated to him. Visualize this tube to be full of energy. Know in your heart that this tube is very effective and will do the job well.

Please note that visualizing the tube is not a must. It is just a very effective aid to help you focus and gives your thoughts a well-defined direction. Instead of this tube, you can even visualize that you are talking to your friend over the telephone.

6. Transmission : Now imagine that your thoughts are being transmitted through the tube - from your mind to his mind. If you are thinking of transmitting a mental picture of an apple, visualize a bright, red, juicy apple traveling across our tube. Make the picture as vivid as possible. Charge the apple with emotion. Believe that Telepathy is real. Desire that your thoughts reach your friend. Imagine the feeling you will have when you succeed. This is very crucial. Emotions are a very powerful trigger and give excellent results. Very often, Telepathy experiments fail because the thoughts lack emotional charge.

Make sure you do not strain yourself to send the thought. You have to be relaxed and composed.

7. When to stop : While you are sending your thoughts, there will be a moment when you will have a strong feeling that the thought has been transmitted. This is an unmistakable feeling that cannot be faked. Whenever you get such a feeling, the job is done. This might take a few seconds to several minutes. If even after 15 minutes, you do not get this feeling, you can abandon the experiment and try at a later date. Trying further will not help much because your mind would be exhausted.

8. The Receiver : Throughout the experiment, the Receiver should keep his mind blank and should try to receive the thoughts being sent by you. He should avoid trying too hard. Forcing himself to sense what you are thinking will sabotage your attempts. His mind will be most receptive when he is relaxed and at ease.
He will get several impressions coming to his mind. He should keep a pen and paper next to him, and note down whatever thoughts come to his mind. He will probably feel that he is making things up. But that's ok. This is how Telepathy works.

9. Compare results : Once you are through with your experiments, compare your results. Check all the impressions that the Receiver has written down. Does it contain the thought that you tried to transmit? The more you practice, the more accurate results you will get.

10. Repeat the experiment : You should then repeat the experiment - either immediately or at a later date. If you have got some success, your confidence would be quite high and you would want to repeat it immediately. But if there was no success, do not get discouraged and try the next day. Regular practice sessions are a must, because only consistency will make you better.

You should also alternate between being the Receiver and the Sender. This will tell you what you are better at - Receiving or Sending.

General Tips :
Keep it short : 
Keep your experiments short, maybe 15 minutes or less. This will prevent boredom and fatigue. Your Telepathic ability is at its peak when you feel most energized.

Have Patience : One of the most important conditions of experimental telepathic work is patience. Don't be discouraged if you do not find much success initially. Any psychic experiment, including Telepathy, takes some practice before you see results. Once you practice for a few days, you will start getting more successes.

Stay aware from skeptics : Skeptics have got one purpose in life: To sidetrack believers. Stay away from such people because they will put doubt in your mind and will dampen your spirits. Your results prove to you that Telepathy works. Skeptics will not help you much. Sharing your results with them will only discourage and hinder your accomplishments.

Only try to share your experiences with like-minded people, people who are positive and encouraging.

Conclusion :Exploring your own Telepathic abilities is an incredible journey. Although it will be fun and exciting, developing a strong foundation will take time and patience. Never expect too much success in the beginning.

But the good news is that Telepathy can be learned and cultivated very easily. With regular practice you will become a Telepathy adept! You will always be correct in sending and receiving messages, with astounding clarity and accuracy.

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