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Saturday, 15 November 2014

Decide what you want, this will give you the map to get there!!

The Power of Objectives
You have probably heard many successful people telling you that starting with the end in mind is the most important tool to achievement. This may seem counter-intuitive, how can you get where you to want to go without knowing the path to take? I used to think similarly, however I am changing my mindset and realising the importance of figuring out where you want to go first. Why is this important?
  1. It will give your brain a goal to achieve
  2. This will create accountability
  3. You will be able to measure your progress
  4. It will enable others to help you achieve your objective more effectively
  5. If done effectively taking action will develop routine, which will create habit
Decide what you want 1
Objectives for individuals are like employees a business
Imagine that you run a business that has 10 employees. When those employees come into work, you will give them direction on how they are to go about their days. If you are to run the business successfully, you are likely to have tactical, operational and strategic goals, even as a small organisation. It is amazing then though for those who expect individual success to set only operational (or day to day) goals such as catching up with friends, going to work, getting to bed on time. Yet we seem to avoid or delay setting the operational (medium term) or strategic objectives. The strategic objective i.e. become a qualified doctor is the map or end game, which provide direction on where you want to head.
The objective (map) is only the beginning
While I say that knowing where you would like to head is a great starting point and if you want success this is likely to put you in the top 20% of the population, this is only a part of what creates positive results. Imagine if Martin Luther King Jr had his dream or vision of how he wanted to create a more equitable society but never took any action. Without concrete or operational and tactical objectives, he would have been unlikely to achieve all that he did.
The point that I am getting at here is the importance of having all 3 types of goals. The strategic give you a wide view from space, the operational zooms in and the tactical gives you a microscopic view of the actions you need to take to achieve your overall objective.
Take action and create more success!!!
Take Out Questions
What map do you have for your future?
How can you start today to plan for tomorrow?
What can operation success do for you?

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